Exact connection with Prestashop

A commonly used package among e-tailors is Exact. This package offers various solutions including CRM and ERP. If you work with Exact, or want to work with it, a connection between PrestaShop and Exact would be very interesting for you. A connection with these types of systems saves you a lot of time. You can then use this time for other things. With this link you can manage your entire invoicing and therefore also your financial administration in Exact. This gives you the many options that this package offers you and you can still conduct sales via PrestaShop. Depending on which Exact package you are working with, we can adjust the connection to your wishes and requirements, please feel free to contact us to discuss this.

In recent years we have developed a tailor-made connection between PrestaShop and Exact for various customers. Exact offers various solutions both online and offline, making every connection between PrestaShop and Exact unique. Exact has several packages and every e-tailor works differently. That is why every connection requires a customer-specific solution. If you would like to know more about the options send us a message and we will contact you to discuss them.

We develop each link specifically for each webshop. And the fact that we have built such connections before gives you a significant advantage. Exact’s working method and, of course, PrestaShop’s working method are well known to us. The connection is developed by us using a REST API that Exact offers as standard. Naturally, we take your specific wishes into account so that you can continue to work with both packages as you are used to and like.